Flooding and Your Water Quality

Owning a lakeside or riverside property is a dream for many people who enjoy the beauty of being so close to a body of water. Unfortunately for some, if the home is in a flood zone, it can become a nightmare. Flooding can cause horrific damage to the structure and belongings. It can also have devastating affects on the household water quality.

Quite often a home that has been flooded experiences water treatment system damage and contamination. If this happens, it should be dealt with as quickly as possible, otherwise the impact on water quality and water well operation could be jeopardized for years to come.

Well Contamination & Damage

Floods can bring biological contaminants such as sewage and animal waste into your water supply. Floodwaters may also change the microbiology and chemistry of your water supply – increasing the risk of dangerous e.coli bacteria, which can lead to communicable diseases and gastrointestinal issues for you and your family.

During flooding, debris carried by the water and the shifting of earth can seriously damage the structural integrity of the well casing, well cap, and seal. When this happens, contaminated water enters the well. Because microscopic bacteria can slip through even the smallest cracks, it doesn’t take much to contaminate the water supply.

We always advise people with waterfront property to inspect any exposed well components for damage regularly. Even if the well’s structure is solid, cavities may develop around the casing, allowing contaminated surface water enter the aquifer.

The “aquifer” is a water-bearing area of rock containing the groundwater that eventually fills your well. This layer of earth could become contaminated by events occurring near the surface – either natural or by man-made events. If disturbed by floodwaters, it can cause another issue by allowing increased sediment to enter the well that wears on your pump, jeopardizing the overall integrity of your water system.

Well Disinfection

Whether your property by water is your permanent home or favorite vacation spot, you never want to worry about the safety and health of your family following a flood. A simple and inexpensive bacteria test can determine if e.coli is present in your water supply. If the results come back that your well is contaminated, the “shock chlorination” may be performed to sanitize your water supply. During this procedure, a concentrated chlorine disinfection solution is added to the water. This treatment most times effectively disinfects the entire water system – including your well pump and pipes. Following the shock clorination, the well must be flushed and re-tested to confirm the procedure was successful. To be safe, you should also have your well inspected to prevent bacteria from returning again in the future.

Post-Flooding Water Treatment Equipment

Once you have determined your water supply is safe, it is critical to fully sterilize your property’s water treatment equipment before returning it to regular service. Equipment that was submerged by floodwaters up to the top of the media tank is at high risk for bacterial growth inside the unit. Similar to a well with bacteria, many water treatment systems can be cleaned with a disinfectant and returned to fully operational status.

Sometimes the media inside and/or filtration cartridges need to be replaced to once again provide safe water for your home. The experts at Futuramic’s Clean Water Center is factory-trained to know the proper solution for all your post-flood system repairs, upgrades, or maintenance.

Regardless of the type of water treatment equipment you have, if it has been submerged over the electronics inside the controller, the entire system will need to be replaced.

Post-Flood Options

Whether you are replacing an existing system, or installing new water treatment equipment to provide safe, clean water to your entire home, we have many different products to consider.

Water softeners filter excess calcium minerals, which can affect your hair, skin, and appliances. A water filtration system removes elements such as chlorine, iron, manganese, and more. These contaminants generate unwanted smells, tastes, and stains.

You may also consider a ONE Filtration system or a reverse osmosis treatment system to reduce harmful contaminants in your drinking water. These can provide bottled water-quality right from your tap.

Wells are only the source of water for your home. Wells do not treat your water, and the water they collect is not always safe for drinking. Futuramic’s Clean Water Center carries a full line of Evolve-brand water treatment options, giving you peace of mind that you and your family and guests have the best water possible!

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