Hard City Living: Common Complaints About Municipal Water and What You Can Do

While lead contamination and serious water issues like the tragic situation in Flint, Michigan may be few and far between, there is a spectrum between Flint and flawless. Where your city water lands depends entirely on where you are and what steps your water treatment facility takes to ensure water quality.

Most municipalities are responsible for disinfecting water and removing the most harmful of intrusions, like E.coli and lead. That still leaves a number of identifiable dissolved solids, minerals, and contaminants behind that have been deemed safe, but less-than-ideal for homes.

There’s a reason that the villain in your favorite comics are often referred to as “scum”. It’s one thing that we can all agree we don’t want anywhere near us, but scum gets into your home from the seemingly most innocent of places: Your faucet.

Minerals like calcium and magnesium are the villain in your personal soap scum drama, and eliminating them can help keep your home cleaner, your skin softer, and your hair bouncier. Yes, we lost a little of the drama when we used the word “bouncier”, but you know it’s a problem.

It’s estimated that 90% of the homes in the United States are paying for hard water to gum up their washing machines, tubs, and dishwashers. While city life can be hard, your water doesn’t have to be!

In addition to the scum factor, another municipal water complaint is the flavor. While health professionals all agree that drinking more water leads to clearer skin, clearer thinking, and can even aid in weight loss, it can be a hard pill to swallow. Specifically, because of the taste.  Many city dwellers cite the flavor of their homes water as the reason they aren’t drinking enough of it. Often spending significant amounts of money to purchase single-use plastic bottles of the stuff just to avoid the taste of home.

From the sulfuric flavor of under-washed water to the taste of chlorine in the over-cleaned, there is a neutral place where the water tastes like water should. Crisp, clean, and contaminant-free.

All Evolve dealers are equipped to provide water quality testing and help guide you to the system that’s right for you. Depending on the level of contamination, you may need multiple medias, like resin to remove minerals that make your water hard on your home, and a carbon filter to remove chlorine and other odor-causing additives that make your water hard to drink.

These systems are available in a single tank, optimizing energy and space efficiency. You can ask your Water-Right dealer, or learn more by clicking on the systems below

Impression® Plus RC
CareSoft Elite RC®
EVRC model

Carbon classic is the medium most Americans are familiar with. It’s the active ingredient in most in-fridge and portable water filters. It is the key ingredient for offering you a clean tasting water. For additional cleansing power and the purest water available in-home, you may consider an under-the-dink reverse osmosis drinking water system.

An intricate system features a purifying membrane, which removes potentially harmful water contaminants like lead. Contaminants can come from anywhere, including leaching from old infrastructure, water runoff, and ground contamination.

To learn more about the benefits of reverse osmosis, or to trouble shoot some routine questions, check out reverse osmosis FAQ

If your concerns extend beyond your drinking water, you may consider our ONE cartridge filter and a softener working in tandem. Compressed carbon has been proved ideal for removing and reducing lead and chlorine from your entire home.

For water testing, filtration and softening options, contact us here.

What will you do when you don’t have to worry about your water anymore? The options are endless!

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